Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Don't let your life-clock light up.

I am psyched. Completely. Utterly. Psyched.

They are remaking Logan's Run. Aw hells yeah! And by "they" I mean Joel Silver, producer of The Matrix and The Reaping.

"I love the original material but I think that version is a bit silly," he told reporters in Barcelona.

Silly? Huh. Says him. Frankly, I think it's cinematic greatness. Well, perhaps that's a bit much. It's greatness insofar as making a sci-fi classic in 1976 can be great.

For those of you under 30 (and believe me, in this context that's a blessing), Logan's Run is a must-see. It's a futuristic story about a world where, once you turn 30, you are killed. This is to help curb the population problem and get things on an even keel. Utopia, dystopia, whatever. It's greatness.

Plus, it was filmed in Valley View Mall right here in Dallas. You can see Michael York cavorting about the shopping center trying not to get his 30-year-old self killed. There are moments where he passes by an area that you swear is where Things Remembered or Claire's should be. It's really cool. Trust me.

There are also scenes from Fort Worth's Water Gardens, but we won't go there. No, I mean we literally won't go there. They still have it shut down since some teens got themselves killed there breaking the rules.

But I can't end this blog on a dour note. Wa-wah. Debbie Downer strikes again. How about some scenes from Logan's Run to get the remake party started?

movie poster

Logan 5 and Jessica 6

the life-clock

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