I am resolute to accomplish the following, dangit. I will! *slams fist into open hand*
1) Expand my tefi repertoire. These past couple of years, I've expanded the kinds of items I make, in addition to jewelry. Years ago I started off with simple beaded jewelry, which I still love making, but have lately fallen in love with fabric and sewing by hand (needle and thread, not machine). Aside from jewelry, I also carry magnets, mirrors,
hair clips, bookmarks, coasters,
brooches, and most recently -
wall art. This year I'd like to add: coffee cozies, buntings, wreaths and notebooks. (The wreaths are already made! Just need to photograph them. They are lovely!)
2) Finish my works-in-progress. Got to finish those stacks of coffee cozies and buntings that I pre-cut months ago. Months, people! Geez. This also means:
3) Reacquaint myself with my dusty sewing machine. Must take a class to boost my comfort level and relearn how to thread a bobbin. A what? Exactly.
4) Open myself up to more inspiration. It's everywhere, around each corner. I feel I am missing opportunities to be inspired because I'm too busy worrying about other things.
5) Stop worrying about other things. Really, what's the point? I could be sewing!
6) Create new fabric necklace designs. I've already got a few new ones on the way. Must create more! I want my designs to be ever-changing, yet true to my vision. Whatever that means.
7) Be more spontaneous. I seriously have a problem with spontaneity, too much of a planner. Must jump in the lake every now and then without checking the temp with my toe. Know what I mean?
8) Pull off my long-planned guerrilla street art. Not gonna say anymore. You'll just have to wait and see if I pull this off finally. (yes it's legal, and yes it's awesome)
9) Begin training Ian for his future tefi internship. Just look at those opposable thumbs! I could use help with some sewing and cutting. I'm only half kidding.
HAPPY 2011, Y'ALL!